The Buckingham Palace: Tour, Tickets, Inside And Top Attractions.

The Buckingham Palace: Tour, Tickets, Inside And Top Attractions.

Westminster is home to Buckingham Palace London, the monarch of the United Kingdom's administrative centre. It is a royal home for members of the nobility, such as Queen Elizabeth II. In 1953, Prince Philip lived here. Almost fifty thousand people visit the palace annually for lunch, dinner, or a garden party. 

Buckingham Palace Inside Tour
With four storeys and a height of 24 m, Buckingham palace is a neoclassical building with 775 rooms including 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 52 principal bedrooms and 19 state rooms.

It also offers a private cinema, swimming pool, a jewellery workshop and much more.

Throne room is the masterpiece by John Nash. It is a dramatic canopy over the thrones which is used for the coronation ceremony of kings and queens.

The ballroom , the music room , and the great staircase enhances the beauty of the palace. 

Why To Visit Buckingham Palace?

If you are visiting Buckingham palace then you should never miss out on these aesthetic places.

  • Picture gallery: Inside the palace there is a very famous picture gallery which represents the greatest paintings in the royal collection.
  • Royal Mews: It is an array of royal carriages and state coaches which is used by the British monarch. The royal mews is responsible for their travel arrangements.
  • Queen Victoria memorial: It is the memorial of one of the most famous queen, Queen Victoria. This memorial is 25 m tall and made up of gleaming white marbles and always remarks on the queen.
  • Westminster abbey: It is a majestic Gothic church which has witnessed lots of royal weddings, coronations, and burials.

Tickets and Timing
If you also want to visit one of the greatest landmark of Great Britain , Buckingham palace London then book your Buckingham tickets from their official Buckingham palace website.

You can have a tour of the palace from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm and can enjoy one of the most famous events of the day, that is the changing of the Buckingham Palace Guard.


Buckingham palace’s neoclassical architecture and royal aura will surely amaze you. If you are interested in having a look into the daily lifestyle of royal people you should surely visit the palace. Connect with TravelNags to make your accommodation the perfect one on this trip. Explore our exciting offers to make your vacation enjoyable yet affordable.