Best Time To Visit Taj Mahal: Seasonal Guide And Weather Tips

Best Time to Visit Taj Mahal: Seasonal Guide and Weather Tips

The Taj Mahal, the nugget of India, we all dream of it! But depending on the weather and tourist numbers, your experience may change. But don't worry, in this blog, we'll explain which is the best time to visit Taj Mahal.

Spring (March to May)
Many fall for spring to see the Taj Mahal. The weather is nice and not too hot (between 22°C and 35°C), the air is dry and the sky is perfect for crazy photos. Plus, it's festival season in India, so you can mix culture and monuments!

Small downside: This is the most touristy period, especially on weekends and during Indian school holidays. Remember to book tickets and hotel in advance to avoid hassle.

Weather tip: Light cotton clothing, hat and sunscreen required. Hydrate well, the sun is strong.

Summer (June to August)
The Indian summer is hot and humid, we can even flirt with 40°C. Ouch! If you don't tolerate heat well, this season might be worth avoiding. Good point, the monsoon also comes in July so, be prepared for that.

Small downside: The heat can be really difficult to bear, especially for children and the elderly.

Weather tip: Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to escape the dodger. Loose, breathable clothes, a light raincoat, sunscreen and a water bottle are your best friends!

Fall (September to November)
Autumn is the transition, temperatures drop slowly and the monsoon ends in September giving way to clearer skies. It's a less crowded, cooler season for chilling at the Taj Mahal.

Small downside: A few showers are possible in September and October. In November, fog can sometimes spoil the view early in the morning.

Weather tip: Comfortable cotton clothes and a light raincoat, you never know. Check the weather forecast before you leave.

Winter (December to February)
Winter is the least touristy season. It is mild (between 10°C and 20°C) but the fog is more frequent and can hide the Taj Mahal.

Small downside: The fog can spoil the magic of the monument a little. So check the weather reports and choose the time carefully.

Weather tip: Bring warm clothes in several layers, as it can be cooler in the evening. A scarf and hat can be useful.

Bonus: Night Viewing of Taj Mahal
Around the full moon, the Taj Mahal is open at night. Illuminated by the moon, it is a unique and super romantic spectacle. Please note, this option is not available during Ramadan.

In summary
Choose the season that suits you best! If you like good weather and don't mind crowds, spring is perfect. If you're looking for calm and don't mind the heat, autumn is a good option. Winter is mild but beware of fog. And finally, visit the Taj Mahal at full moon, a magical experience not to be missed if it fits with your dates.